I took some
entrance examinations for graduate school in an effort to get the qualification
of clinical psychotherapist and because of certain family circumstances.
Though I had only partial knowledge of
psychology and English, I made light of graduate school entrance examinations.
It’s because I had studied abroad, in CANADA, as 11th grader and
because I majored in psychology, when I was an undergraduate student. So I
thought, “It’s like an entrance examination of undergraduate course.” In spite
of my shallow thinking, the lecturers of IN-YOBI taught me from the basics of
psychology very carefully and surely, with answering my trifling questions. (I
think it was fruitful that we narrowed down schools of my choice and therefore
focused on the relevant past tests.) In the class of study plan, we were allowed to think and talk about
someone’s study plan with the other students who had similar one. I could
rethink and review my study plan from various viewpoints. That was so inspiring
for me to complete my study plan. When I began to attend IN-YOBI, I hadn't yet made up my mind
somewhere nor been able to get down to my study seriously. The teachers were
kind enough to listen to my problems and to advise and encourage me. The
homelike atmosphere of the school that was far from hardness of common preps,
among other things, helped me to overcome many hardships, which was all the more
helpful because I had no experience of taking a gap year.
afraid that I may have caused the teachers trouble by spending a bit longer time
to pass the exam. I really appreciate their support.
私は、家の事情と臨床心理士資格取得のために大学院を受験しました。 私は、偏った心理と英語の知識しかなかったのに、大学で心理学を学んでいたことや高校生のときに留学していたことで、大学院入試は大丈夫だと軽く考えていました。しかし、そんな私に院予備の先生方は、些細な質問にも丁寧に基礎からしっかりと教えてくださいました。(志望校を絞ることでその学校の過去問を重点的にやれたことが良かったと思います。) 研究計画書では、似た研究範囲の受講生と一緒に研究計画を考え、意見を出し合ったことは、自分の研究計画を色々な視点から見て考えることができました。とてもよい刺激になりました。 どことなく迷いがあり、本腰を入れなれなかった私の悩みを聞いてくださり、アドバイスやエールを頂いたこと、何よりも予備校という硬い感じではなくアットホームな感じが浪人経験のない私にとってつらい時期を乗り越える励みになりました。